We’ve reached the half way mark of the Katonkel Ronkel. What an exciting comp to be fighting for the prize over such an extended period. So much can and will still happen. Current Leaders with low quantities of fish in the bag and high stakes will have to get out there and ensure they stock up on more fish in the log.
Very exciting news is the addition of 2x sponsors to the competition, TechInc and Jacita Bait and Tackle. Thank you guys!!!!
TechInc is an end-to-end ITC provider to SME businesses looking after the full stack of their IT needs, please visit their site for some more details: https://techinc.co.za/
Jacita Bait & Tackle
Another sponsor on board is Jacita Bait and Tackle. If you haven’t been at their store be sure to go have a look, definitely one of the top tackle shops in SA!
Have a look at the below at the current standings and the list of latest Lucky Draw Prize winners:

Visit the scoresheet for all current results:
Thanks again to all the competitors and sponsors for making this event awesome!