Three Anchor Bay
Best Months are usually from around July -October. Kayakers mostly focus on Katonkel, Yellowtail and bronze bream. (Bronze Bream more so when the Katonkel and Yellowtail fishing is quiet)
The Diagram shows the area where most Kayak fishing takes place.

Yellowtail kingfish
Good time of year to catch Yellowtail at Three Anchor Bay is from August through to October.Pound for pound the yellowtail is right up there with the strongest fighting (edible fish) in the Cape. It’s No wonder kayak fisherman never get tired of catching them.
Yellowtail can be caught either trawling, spinning, jigging or using bait.Everyone has their personal preferences when it comes to tackle so here is an indication of what is needed. You can then select your brand preference to match to your taste and pocket.
All the rods should be able to fit inside your kayak if need be. So between between 5.5-7ft is good. Most use 3-4 rods when kayak fishing. 2 trawling rods and one or 2 Rods for either spinning or jigging. It’s better to use a longer rod for spinning. Helps get more distance when casting.
How to set your traces up is also personal preference.
Take a look at this link, everything you need to know is very well explained. How to catch yellowtail and gear used
Take a look at the Kayakfish video section to see it done live and also how to cast for them. Casting for Yellowtail
Also consider social media or a kayak chat group and see what and how others are setting their equipment up. See if anyone is maybe selling something suitable.
Snoek can sometimes be caught all year but best months at Three Anchor Bay usually from June – September .
Like Yellowtail they can be caught either trawling, spinning, jigging or using bait.
Its quite simple just follow this link for everything you need to know on how to catch them. How to catch Snoek and gear used.
NB! They have very sharp teeth!! Make sure you know more or less how to land one of them and break its neck. Ask a fellow fisherman to help you.
Katonkel (Oceanic Tuna)
This has to be the most hungry fish in the sea always.
If these guys are around they cannot leave a lure. Their small razor sharp teeth make light work of most nonmetallic lures.
To catch them use similar techniques as catching Yellowtail.
Catching katonkel
They are probably the easiest fish to catch ” if they are around” Caught by trawling and spinning mostly.
Can use the same tackle as for the Yellowtail. Methods mostly the same too.How to catch yellowtail and gear used
Thats it you are armed with some of the best techniques ever used to catch these fish. 💪
- Make sure u don’t paddle alone. (There are plenty whats app groups to find a paddling buddy) – get hold of us if u would like to added to them.
- always use life jacket
- Double check weather forecast before u go out.
- Make sure someone knows where and when u are going out and time expected back more or less.
- Know your paddling fitness and when to call it time-out should weather take a turns for the worse.
- Make sure you have an anchor long enough to deploy and wait for help if wind picks up unexpectedly.
- Mobile phone is always good to have but reception at Cape point and further off shore in places is not always guaranteed.
- Take liquid and snacks.
If you are looking for some more details on tips and tricks on gear and setups please visit our forum section: