Club Constitution


1.1 The name of the Club: Western Cape Kayak Angling Club.


2.1 The Club is not formed for the purpose of carrying on any business or enterprise that has for It’s object the acquisition of gain by the Members of the Club.

2.2 The Club is liable for only its own debts and any assistance granted to any person or body, whether corporate or unincorporated, shall not render it liable for the debts of such person or body.

2.3 Any decision to incur debt or any financial decision should be discussed with the Executive Committee of the club and all should be in agreement. No one member has the right to make a financial decision which will affect the club positive or negatively.

2.4 The Club may sue or be sued in the clubs name in any Court of Law in the Republic of South Africa. All processes of law notices and the Like shall be regarded as sufficiently served on the Club. The President and vice-President will represent the club, but shall not be liable for any loss suffered.


The Objects and Functions of the Club shall be:

3.1 To foster the sport of Amateur Kayak Angling, with rod and reel within the area of its jurisdiction.

3.2 To guard and promote in every way the interest of amateur kayak angling.

3.3 To foster good fellowship amongst them and to maintain the best traditions of amateur kayak angling.

3.4 To take measures for the protection of fish from illegal capture and to assist the Government Fisheries Officers in the carrying out of existing regulations and in formulating new regulations, when found necessary for the preservation of bait and immature fish.

3.5 To encourage the preservation of flora and fauna to the District and the preservation of scientific interest and to assist museums and other institutions in the collection of data and specimens.

3.6 To popularise the sport of rod and reel kayak angling by such means as may appear best adapted for the purpose.

3.7 To affiliate with, or to, anybody having objects in any way similar to these objects and to participate in club, interclass, inter-provincial, national or international contest and competitions.

3.8 To collect, canvas for and accept subscriptions, donations, bequests, endowments and benefits of any nature for the Club from any persons or body and from any source whatsoever.

3.9 To invest the funds and assets of the Club in securities nominated by the Executive Committee.

3.10 To acquire by purchase, donation bequest, or any other mode of acquisition both moveable and immoveable property, but the acquisition of immovable property shall be subject to the approval of a majority of members at a General Meeting.

3.11 To sell, donate, exchange, partition or dispose by any means of alienation moveable and immovable property.

3.12 Generally to do such acts as may be expedient or necessary to further the interest of the Club and the objects for which it was formed.


4.1 The clubs shall adopt colours as well as badges of the lapel and pocket type as a mark of distinction and register any such badge as defined in section 11 Act 23 / 1925 of any amendment thereof.


5.1 The Patrons of the Club shall be: The Premier of Western Cape Province, the Major of Cape Town, the Magistrate of Cape Town and their respective successors in office.


6.1 All the business and affairs of the Club shall be managed and controlled by the Executive Committee. Such Committee shall have full power and authority to carry out all objects of the Club except where such powers are expressly received to a General or Special General Meeting. The Executive Committee shall consist of the following Office Bearers: The President, Vice-President, Club Captain, Treasurer, Secretary and three Committee members.

6.2. Nominations

6.2.1 No nominations shall be accepted from the floor on the night of the Annual General Meeting. Nomination forms will be e-mailed to all members. This form duly filled in, with a Proposer and a Seconder, by fully paid up membership of at least one year’s standing and fished at least 3 competitions that year, will be e-mailed back to the Secretary, who will compile the top seated lists and positions allocated and mail it back to all members, two weeks before the Annual General Meeting. However, if a member of less than 1 years standing has been proposed, this member will have the right to stand provided he or she has a recommendation from the outgoing Committee to stand for office. If no proposals are forthcoming at the Annual General Meeting must be put forward until such time that proposals are received.

6.2.3 A register is to be kept of members attending any meetings, controlled by the Treasurer, and no Wives or children of members may vote unless they are fully paid up members and fished at least 3 competitions that year of the Western Cape Kayak Angling Club.

6.2.4 If there is more than one application for a position a vote by ballot must be taken and not a show of hands.

6.2.5 Only fully paid up members that have fished at least 3 competitions that year and Hon. Life Members of the Western Cape Kayak Angling Club are eligible to vote at Annual or Special General Meetings.


7.1 The Annual subscriptions for new members shall be R500 and for Renewal of current members R300. A separate option will be available for those wanting to join through the CBSB Club.

7.1.2 Determined by the Western Cape Kayak Angling Club Committee on a yearly basis.

7.2 Membership will be restricted to Amateur Angling and shall be elected as follows:

7.2.1 A candidate who would like to obtain membership should be proposed by a member who’s membership fee is paid up to date. The Proposer shall send the completed proposal form plus necessary subs and entrance fee to the Secretary for immediate submission to the Committee. The election of the member shall be conducted by the Committee by unanimous ballot. Candidates balloted for and not elected shall not be proposed again within twelve months of the Committee decision. On election of a member the Western Cape Kayak Angling Club manager shall notify the member in writing. Candidates not elected will be advised in writing.

7.3. The Executive Committee must all agree to be able to award “Life Time Honorary Membership” to any candidate.


8.1 The secretary shall keep a register containing a list of the names and addresses of all Members of the Club. It shall be the duty of Members to notify the secretary of their postal address or details and any subsequent change thereof.


9.1 FOUR MEMBERS shall form a quorum at the meeting of the Executive and the seat there on of any Members absent from TWO consecutive meetings, without reasonable excuse, may at the discretion of the majority of the Committee be declared vacant. When a vacancy occurs from any cause the rest of the said Committee are empowered and required to fill the vacancy without delay by elections from the members of the Club.

9.2 The Secretary shall call a special meeting of the Committee on being requested to do so by TWO members thereof or by the President or the Vice-President or when the Club’s affairs render this necessary. The President or, in his absence, the Vice-President or shall be chairman of the Committee at all meetings and may exercise a casting vote as well as a deliberate vote.

9.3 The funds Of the Club shall be deposited into a banking account in the name of the Club with one of the Commercial. Surplus funds may be invested in accordance with a resolution of a General Meeting or of the Executive Committee.

9.4 Cheques drawn on the account shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President or Secretary. The Treasurer shall keep a full and business-line record of all transactions and any documents and vouchers pertaining there to and shall prepare an audited statement of receipts and expenditures for the year for presentation at the Annual General Meeting. A member of the Club outside the Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting as Honorary Auditor.

9.5 The Secretary shall keep full and proper minutes of proceedings of the Club which shall be produced at each meeting. The Committee shall submit an Annual Report at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee is empowered to suspend, exclude or otherwise deal as it may see fit, with any member found guilty, after a full enquiry, of infringing the rule or Bye-laws or acting in any way which the Committee feels prejudicial to the interest of the Club provide always that the member effected thereby shall have the right to appeal to a General Meeting of the Club, whose decision shall be final. Any appeal must be lodged, in writing, with the Secretary in 10 days after the Committee’s decision has been communicated to the Member concerned.

9.6 The Committee shall have the power to frame and alter bye-laws in connection with any of the objects of the Club, provided they are not at variance with the existing rules. Bye-laws passed at meetings shall have force and affect until rescinding by resolution at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall be empowered to appoint and delegate powers to subcommittee’s or Special Representatives.

9.7 A Competition Committee of one Committee Member and three ordinary members shall be elected by the General Committee.

9.8 Notice of at least SEVEN days shall be given to any meeting of the Executive Committee and the Honorary Secretary shall post to each of the members of the Executive Committee the notice convening meeting and setting out the Agenda of such meeting provided that where a meeting is called to deal with some urgent matter such notice may be dispensed with.


10.1 The Club year begins on the 1st day of January and ends on the 31st day of December in each year. The Club year is divide into Four Quarters and members who join the Club shall be entitled to a pro-rata abatement of subscription dependent on the Quarter in which they join.


11.1 At least FOURTEEN days notice shall be given of the Annual General Meeting, which is held in November of each year, and Ten members shall form a quorum. The following business shall be transacted :

11.1. 1 Presentation of the report by the Executive committee on the Club’s activities during the year.

11.1.2   Presentation of the Treasure’s Financial Statement.

11.1.3   Any other business which may be legally brought forward.

11.1.4 Any Club member desiring any matter to be place on the Agenda of any General Meeting shall deliver such matter in writing to the Honorary Secretary of the Club at least 7 days before such meeting.


12.1 The Committee may, whenever they think fit, and shall be in receipt of a resolution signed by at least TEN members, converse a Special General Meeting at SEVEN days notice. Such a requisition shall state the purpose for which the meeting is required.


13.1 No rule of the Club shall be revoked or altered and no rule shall be made save the Annual General Meeting, or at a Special General Meeting called for the purpose. The notice calling the meeting shall set forth in full the proposed revocation, alteration, or new rule, which must be proposed by the Committee or may have been expressed in an acquisition signed by at least TWELVE members and sent to the Secretary. The rule shall be altered only by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting.


14.1 The Club Area shall be the waters of the coastline and tidal rivers and lagoons where 5 or more members including at least one Executive Member are gathering.


15.1 “Amateur Angler” for all purposes of this Constitution shall mean a person who:

15.1.1 Captures fish solely for recreation, pleasure or sport and who does not sell, barter or otherwise trade in any fish captured by him or her.

15.2 “Amateur Angling” shall mean the sport of the capture of fish by Amateur Anglers as organised by the Club and governed by this Constitution.


In the event of the dissolution of the Club the assets thereof shall accrue and be transferred to the National Sea Rescue Institute, for use by them in their sole and absolute discretion.


  • Chairman – Taariq Levack
  • Vice chairman – Kowus Pelser
  • Club Captian – Danelle Vivier
  • Treasurer – Kowus Pelser
  • Social Media and Comms – Devin Muir
  • Event and Sponsor Coordinator – Lutcin van Kraayenburg