Unexpected Gap
I coincidentally stumbled onto this weekend’s forecast not expecting any gap but rather writing an update about keeping positive in the rainy weather we’ve had. Well looks like mother nature has decided we need to get out there an Saturday and have a bit of fun to recharge for next week.
Reports have been positive with loads of fish around at Point, although they were not feeding as well as we would have liked they were definitely around. The guys also showed us that there are some Bonnies popping up late morning at 3 anchor so definitely some good signs.
Well guys, if you work hard you will get rewarded! Get out there and have fun!!!
Safety First
Given the change of season there are a couple of important pointers to take note of. With the swing to 3 Anchor be sure to keep an eye on the forecast, although the bay is protected on bigger swell there is a nasty break. With the surges in that bay you could quickly land up on the rocks so please to take caution. I’d recommend a sun 2,5m swell but truth is check out the water when you get there as sometimes even at 2,5 there is a nasty break depending on swell direction.
Make sure you’re not out there alone, we’ve got a lekker group of guys fishing so please introduce yourself and feel free to tag along. Keep an eye on each other and please do make sure you all head home together.
Take note of the shipping lane, very important to steer clear of that shipping lane. Those big ships move a lot faster than you think and they definitely cannot see you. Rather avoid the area. If you do have to cross, make sure you do so in a hurry. Never cross the shipping lane in low visibility or when it’s misty.
For more safety tips, refer to our safety section on tips and tricks https://kayakfish.co.za/kayak-fish/kayak-fishing-getting-started-guide/safety/
Fishing tomorrow
We’ve started a small splinter whatsapp group to focus on where everyone is fishing by means of a daily poll. Please guys participate by voting daily and if you’re not a member feel free to join the group. To join, here you go: https://chat.whatsapp.com/EALTZmzZjvzBxNK7UGgiIr